12 Phrases You Hear At Swim Practice

12 Phrases You Hear At Swim Practice

We hear plenty of things muttered under the hum of aquatic centers during workouts. Here, we rank our top twelves phrases you're most likely to hear at swim practice.

Aug 17, 2017
12 Phrases You Hear At Swim Practice
1) "How Many Was That?"
We're faced with a couple of options when we are asked this very delicate question. Do we know the answer? Did coach ask it? Can we get away with saying we're done when we're really not? This question raises it's own questions.

2) "What Stroke Is This?"
Duuuuuuuuuuuude please start listening. My time on the wall is to be spent catching my breath and not telling you things you should already know.

3) "On The Top"
This is a swimmer phrase that's code for "leave when the clock hits :00 (or :60)".

4) "On The Bottom"
This is a swimmer phrase that's code for "leave when the clock hits :30".

5) "And We're Going To Do That 10 Times"
You don't want to hear this. You just don't.

6) "Bring Your Shoes Tomorrow"
You had better hope coach isn't talking about shoes to kick in when you hear this at practice.

7) "Can I Go In front Of You?"
I've been touching your feet all practice long. Please. Please. Let me go in front of you.

8) "Do We Really Have Time For That?"
There's 30 minutes left in practice and according to my math....this set will take a minimum of 47 minutes. What's the deal coach?

9) "Will Coach Notice If I Break Stroke?"
Yes. A better question is whether or not he will bring it up.

10) "Can I Use The Restroom?"
This is typically answered with a yes. In the instance that this question is asked during the main set, however, it may be met with a no.

11) "I Lost Count"
Ohhhhhh great. Now we get to start the entire set over again. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

12) "Go Five Seconds Back"

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